Living Real Introvert Life!

Hey There, Wallflower!
I started The Happy Wallflower because I was tired of being made to feel weird because of my naturally introverted personality. I don’t enjoy being the center of attention, I relish opportunities to spend quiet time alone, and I’m selective with my words and the company I keep.
Navigating life and all that comes with it as an introvert has been a learning and growing process. In addition to being a creative and a writer, I’m a busy mom and wife to an extrovert. I’m also a Black woman living in the US. This adds an extra layer of complexity when navigating the cultural expectations (and stigmas) attributed to us.
I created The Happy Wallflower as a space for Black women introverts to learn about their beautifully introverted personalities, live their best introvert life, and have a few good laughs while doing it.
What Are Wallflowers and Why Are They Happy?
Wallflowers are the people you see hanging out on the periphery of parties or other gatherings. I chose this image because people don’t realize (mostly extroverts) that those people are perfectly content where they are.
Contrary to popular belief, they are enjoying themselves just fine in small doses of interaction with others. And they will leave when they are good and ready, and not a moment later. Those wallflowers, who are happy on the periphery, are introverts. And this world wouldn’t be the same without them!
Subscribe to My Newsletter
Join me and countless others who are proudly living a quiet life in a loud world. Introvert Petals is a weekly newsletter exclusively for Black women introverts to feel seen and validated. It’s a space where we can learn more, laugh a little, and live our best introvert lives. Click here to join.
Contact Me
Have a question or something you’re itching to share? Email me at [email protected]
I appreciate you taking the time to email me, and I like to respond personally. That said, I truly am a busy lady who wears a lot of hats – probably just like you! I will do my very best to respond within 1-2 days. Your patience = my gratitude!